It's..... The happiest blog on earth


It seems like more than half this page's visitors are lost Google searchers. Today I got a visit from someone looking for:

Kirsten Dunst + pornography

Sorry, folks -- I've used both words on the blog, but never in the same sentence. But here's my entry about Kirsten Durst paper dolls.

Not sure what to do for the searches on "How + Britney + Spears + Is + Damaging." Maybe these three links will help.


I discovered many Google searchers were coming to my page looking for lyrics to the Incredible Hulk theme song. I blogged an entry about the history of the theme for the 70s TV series -- but searchers apparently weren't satisified. Today I spotted someone who specified they wanted lyrics to the theme for the cartoon version of the Incredible Hulk.

I'd never even heard of it, but apparently it was re-run on UPN in 1999. There were two versions, unfortunately, and the opening credits on this Hulk media page were just instrumentals.

But continuing the quest, I found a 1999 Usenet post that remembered the weird musical snippet that had introduced the Hulk's segment on Marvel's 1966 superhero show. And Yesterdayland remembered the show, too....

Was the animation bad? You bet.
Did they overuse narration so they didn't have to bother animating lips? All the time....
Now my interest was really whetted. Digging still further, I found a web page that actually had that rare media gem we'd all been searching for...

Behold, then, that must-listen cartoon theme -- the bizarrely poppy choral tune that introduced young children to the rampaging Marvel superhero. (RealAudio, mp3, or RM format.) The most amazing thing is how happy and upbeat it is, with a comical female voice shouting out sentences that start with the word "ain't" and rhyming the words gamma rays with "un-glamor-ous." So for all you Google searchers still looking for the lyrics to the Incredible Hulk cartoon they are!

Dr. Banner!
Pelted by gamma rays!
Turned into the Hulk.
("Ain't he unglamorous!")

Wreckin' the town with
the power of a bull!
"Ain't no monster clown who is as loveable!"

As ever-lovin' Hulk!
Hulk! Hulk!

Thanks a gazillion to the invaluable,which also hosts one of my favorite online columns, Oddball comics.


Okay, now I've just written two entries commemorating noteworthy Google search results. I've been calling this process "Goog- enheiming." (Yes, I'm unduly proud of my little glossary for made-up words about web-logging.)

And I ended up using another of those words today. Everyone likes the thought of being the blog of the moment, with temporary fame propelling their URL up the rankings at as one of the day's most popular. I jokingly started calling the practice of self-promoting your URL "DayPimping."

I never dreamed that anyone would combine Goog-enheiming with DayPimping -- but I was wrong. Last week Google didn't have any matches for the phrase "Jell-o judicates." But blogger Jim Treacher decided to change all that. Today, Google is showing forty matches.

And in the process, Jim's call to insert the nonsense phrase into your web-log moved his own page high up into the coveted realms of the Daypop Top 40...

Here's my own Jello- judicates entry...


A personal remembrance marking the death of Ann Landers...


Encouraging children to read, a local public library creates a cute red mouse mascot wearing glasses and a back pack.

Walt Disney Company tells the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that they want 90 days to review the library's mouse character for possible trademark infringement.
